Once your development and testing phases are complete, it's time to deploy your code to production servers. VulcanSQL server requires only a few assets to run, and you can generate these assets using the vulcan package
Running Production Servers with Node.js
If your production servers have Node.js (version 16 or higher) installed, use the following command to generate resources:
vulcan package --output node
After a successful build, copy the files in the ./dist folder to your production servers. Then run npm install && node index.js to start the server.
External resources and configurations, such as profile.yaml, are not copied to the dist folder. You'll need to copy them manually. We strongly recommend using a separate profile instead of the one used for development.
Running Production Servers with Docker (or other container runtimes)
If you prefer to run your servers using Docker, Kubernetes, or other container platforms, you can build an image for them with the following command:
vulcan package --output docker
docker build -t <tag> ./dist
External resources and configurations, such as profile.yaml, are not copied to the dist folder. You'll need to copy them manually. We strongly recommend using a separate profile instead of the one used for development.